Matty Zangeneh

Progammer, Data Analyst, software developer. with working exprinece at Blanclabs and CIBC.


I am dedicated to learn and extend my knowledge in any area of computer sepecifically in data analysis,modeling, and development.

My Projects

Here you can find some of the projects I've worked on:


a web application developed in javascript that simulates instragram application


A Java application that simulates a hotel reservation system, allowing users to make, view, and manage bookings

Planet Fitness Gym Database

gym database that store customer information, track their progress, manage inventory levels, and streamline gym operations. With the database, gym-goers can log in and access personalized information such as workout plans and progress reports

AI Game Bot

AI bot using Python, algorithm, game tree and evaluation functions for optimal move selection


C++ program that interacts with an Oracle database using the Oracle Call Interface (OCCI). It implements a shopping cart system which users to log in as a customer, browse products (by entering product IDs), add them to a cart, checkout, and potentially cancel orders.